Our 50|50 private label products consist of 50% dual-purpose beef, 50% Ecopouch© mushrooms and herbs. They have a 100% meat flavour. For more information about our 50|50 concept, see Hello Fresh 50|50 Products.

Robert about Dutch meat.

"My preference is for dairy cows that have grazed naturally and are slow-grown, rather than fast-grown cattle for meat production. It also gives me a good feeling that they have produced milk and calves before slaughter.

There is no problem with a little marbling, the fat gives the meat more flavour. Texture is also important to me, I don't like tenderness being used as a quality indicator."

Robert about Dutch mushrooms.

"The health benefits and functional uses of mushrooms are enormous, and white mushrooms fit perfectly both into this trend, and that of keeping up with the need for transparency and clean labelling. Mushrooms are a fat-free, energy-dense food and low in sodium. Other healthy aspects of mushrooms are the high amount of vitamin D (84 grams of white mushrooms exposed to light already provide more than the recommended daily amount of vitamin D), as well as vitamin B and ergothioneine and selenium, which are naturally occurring antioxidants that can help protect the body's cells."

Robert about shock freezing.

"During normal freezing, ice crystals form that are larger than the size of water molecules. Because of this, the freezing of moisture in the product changes and destroys the structure of the food. During the shock freezing process, the ice crystals formed do not exceed the size of the water molecule. The structure and texture of the product is therefore unaffected."

In addition to our 50|50 Kranenburger other 50|50 products are in development, such as Frankfurters, meatballs, frikandel sausages and minced meat.


Our 50|50 private label products consist of 50% dual-purpose beef, 50% Ecopouch© mushrooms and herbs. They have a 100% meat flavour. For more information about our 50|50 concept, see Hello Fresh 50|50 Products.

Robert about Dutch meat.

"My preference is for dairy cows that have grazed naturally and are slow-grown, rather than fast-grown cattle for meat production. It also gives me a good feeling that they have produced milk and calves before slaughter.

There is no problem with a little marbling, the fat gives the meat more flavour. Texture is also important to me, I don't like tenderness being used as a quality indicator."

Robert about Dutch mushrooms.

"The health benefits and functional uses of mushrooms are enormous, and white mushrooms fit perfectly both into this trend, and that of keeping up with the need for transparency and clean labelling. Mushrooms are a fat-free, energy-dense food and low in sodium. Other healthy aspects of mushrooms are the high amount of vitamin D (84 grams of white mushrooms exposed to light already provide more than the recommended daily amount of vitamin D), as well as vitamin B and ergothioneine and selenium, which are naturally occurring antioxidants that can help protect the body's cells."

Robert about shock freezing.

"During normal freezing, ice crystals form that are larger than the size of water molecules. Because of this, the freezing of moisture in the product changes and destroys the structure of the food. During the shock freezing process, the ice crystals formed do not exceed the size of the water molecule. The structure and texture of the product is therefore unaffected."

In addition to our 50|50 Kranenburger other 50|50 products are in development, such as Frankfurters, meatballs, frikandel sausages and minced meat.
