Spine & Marrow always enjoys doing things locally. That is why we came up with Just Taste - delivery only. Residents in Amsterdam Oud Zuid (Old South), the central canal area and Amsterdam’s ‘Zuidas’ or business district can register on Instagram or info@spineandmarrow.nl to order Robert Kranenborg’s culinary readymades. This initiative is very much under the radar and small scale, so please don’t pass this on to all of your friends and family, at least, not too much. It is intended to be a small club.

Vincent does the deliveries and you can have a chat with him if you wish. On Instagram we will let you know what our offers are at a given day or time. This can vary from 50|50 products to fish, or from stews to vegetable products. Everything is provided at very competitive prices because there is, after all, no middleman. Food is brought to you directly from the producer and is therefore guaranteed fresh, which is very much Spine & Marrow’s focus.

Keep an eye on Instagram and LinkedIn, and if you’re not into social media, contact us at info@spineandmarrow.nl. Please also provide your telephone number so that we can coordinate properly and know that you are at home during delivery time.

Spine & Marrow enjoys doing something in our neighbourhood. That is why we came up with Just Taste - delivery only. Residents in Amsterdam Zuid, the canals and the Zuidas (see map) can register on Instagram or info@spineandmarrow.nl to order the Robert Kranenborg culinary readymades. This initiative is very much under the radar and low key. Please don’t pass this on to your friends and family too much.

Vincent does the delivery and if you wish you can have a chat with him. On Instagram we will let you know what our offer is at a given day or time. This can vary from 50 | 50 products to fish. Or from stews to vegetable products. All at very competitive prices, because there is, after all, no intermediate trade. Brought to you directly from the producer and therefore guaranteed fresh. Very much Spine & Marrow.

Keep an eye on Instagram and social media such as LinkedIn and Facebook. And if you’re not into social media, contact us at info@spine&marrow.nl. Please also provide your telephone number so that we can coordinate properly and know that you are at home during delivery time.
